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We understand that on occasions you will need advice in relation to some areas of your employment. Increasingly we are asked the following questions:

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Redundancy is where an employee’s position ceases to exist and the employee is not replaced. Any employee aged 16 or over with 104 weeks’ continuous service with an employer is entitled to a statutory redundancy payment in this situation.

The statutory redundancy payment is two week’s gross pay per year of service up to a ceiling of €600 per week plus one week’s pay, which is also subject to the ceiling of €600. This payment is tax-free.

For information on how to calculate your entitlements please go to the calculator on the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment website.

Some employers may make redundancy agreements above the statutory rate.

For a copy of the relevant redundancy forms please go to the redundancy page on the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment web site.

Further information on redundancy can also be found in the Redundancy Payments Act 1967-2007.

Please contact HR SOS for practical advice on managing redundancy situations - info@hr-sos.ie.